Even if 2021 is the year of the home office - you can now plan or immediately publish posts for your social media profiles on the go with the update of the mobile app to version 3.6.0. To offer you even more flexibility and time savings, we provide a new way to create posts outside of the office with this update.
Instant Post
Imagine you are on the road attending conferences, in your stores, restaurants or just want to create a new post spontaneously. In the future, you won't have to make your way to the office, boot up your computer or wait until the next working day to do so. With the function Instant Post of our mobile app you can create new posts while you are on the road. We already support the most used networks Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn for single image posts.
You don't have to publish the new posts immediately, you can save it as a draft or schedule it. Of course, all data of the post including the photo will be transferred to Facelift Cloud.

Where can i get the update?
The update of our mobile app is now available in Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Every Facelift Cloud user with the permissions "Create post" and "Create media files" has the possibility to access Instant Post. If there are approvals for the user / profile, the post will be saved as a draft and transferred to Facelift Cloud.
Do you want to read more details about the Mobile App Update 3.6.0? Just follow this link to our help section:
All details about the Mobile App
Have fun!
Best regards 👋
Product Marketing Manager