Increased security for your Facelift Cloud accounts

Friederike Jungemann
Friederike Jungemann
Tags: Settings

Increased protection against hacker attacks and one less thing for company administrators to worry about - thanks to a new security process for failed login attempts.

What is the new process?

After too many failed login attempts due to hacker attacks, your Facelift account will be locked. This will still be the case - but we are making it much more difficult for hackers. Your account will be locked for a certain period of time after each failed login attempt. The time period increases with each unsuccessful attempt.
The total number of failed attempts will continue to be counted and if the maximum number of failed attempts defined by you is exceeded, your account will finally be blocked.

How does the new process benefit me and my company administrator? 

Nothing will change for you as a standard user of Facelift Cloud. You will only receive a notice if you have repeatedly entered the wrong password and will then have to wait according to the time given until you can try again.
With the introduction of this new behaviour for incorrect logins, automated large-scale attacks that quickly generate and test a large number of possible passwords will be made impossible. The locking of Facelift Cloud accounts by attacks is thus significantly minimised. Your company administrator will no longer have to manually reactivate user accounts so often.

What does the new security alert look like?

After each failed login attempt, you will receive the following warning with the corresponding time period until the next attempt.

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Where can I find out more about the new process and security settings in the administrator area?

In this Knowledge Base article you will learn more about the previous process for failed login attempts and what the new process looks like. We also explain where you can set your maximum login attempts.


Product Marketing Manager

Friederike Jungemann
Friederike Jungemann

More about the author

Rike is a product marketing manager at facelift and the mind behind the updates you see on your dashboard! She's also a huge fan of New Work and the African continent.