Your facelift center for every day - the new start page

Tom Merkel
Tom Merkel
Tags: Engage

The daily routine of many social media managers always starts the same way: Getting an overview.

Scheduled posts and alerts from Community Management at a glance

The new Facelift Cloud start page is here, and it brings you many improved features from the old start page and some new features we've implemented based on your feedback.
You'll find the two most important Facelift Cloud sections to start your day on the left half of the start page - Publisher and Moderation. We also provide you with quick access to all contact options for questions about Facelift Cloud on the right side and list the latest product update articles.



Are all posts running as planned?

In the Publisher widget, you'll find the three sections via the dropdown: Needs Attention, Scheduled Posts, and Published Posts. If there are any failed or to-be-approved posts dated in your calendar, you'll find them here. Of course, there are other criteria for display in this widget.



How many of your customers are currently waiting for answers?

The moderation widget on the new start page gives you a clear view of the relevant things right away: How many open messages are currently in Community Management, how many of them have been classified as warnings, and how your team's performance is developing.
The links below the three columns will take you immediately to the Unified Inbox with appropriate filtering for e.g. warnings.


For more information on the new home page and the other widgets, check out our well-maintained Knowledge Base.

Best regards

Product Marketing Manager

Tom Merkel
Tom Merkel

More about the author

Tom is Senior Product Marketing Manager at Facelift and always provides you with news about Facelift.